The PPod

The PPod is our bespoke provision which supports the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of our children and their families. It has been running since 2016 and developed out of a growing need for support in schools and the expectation to meet higher thresholds to access services elsewhere. We recognise that mental health and wellbeing is pivotal for a child to be able to engage with learning.
The PPod is free of judgement and is a calm, relaxing space where everyone is encouraged to talk openly and honestly about what is on their mind. We are able to signpost to further support if needed and liaise closely with a range of Professionals from Education, Health and Social Care.
We have highly trained and skilled staff who can deliver therapeutic interventions from the most complex, to being a dab hand at making a cuppa and providing a shoulder! During the pandemic, we adapted our provision so that we were still able to support families.
We monitor the impact and effectiveness of the provision in the PPod regularly, and report at least annually to our Governors who are incredibly supportive of our approach.
Some of the difficulties that we offer support for are:
- School refusal
- Family breakdown
- Morning meltdowns
- Bereavement
- Anxiety
- Separation anxiety
- Support to access food banks
- Transition
- Low mood
- Eating disorders
We believe in early intervention but are always ready to refer for more specialist support if and when needed. We are proud to be one of Derbyshire's Attachment and Relationship Aware Schools (ARAS) and we were also the 2020 winners of the Alex Timpson Arc Award for the work we do to support our children and their families.
Our door is always open!
Ways to get in touch:
Email: (confidential)
Telephone: 01773 602268 (office) ask for Mel Walton or Helen Stone
PPod Mobile: 07368 555585
In person: Helen (Mon-Wed) South Street gate or Mel Walton (Mon-Wed) Bolton Street Gate
Key Contacts:
Mel Walton: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Helen Stone: Family Support Worker and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Other useful links: