‘TogetherWe Achieve

‘Together We Achieve’

Safeguarding & Early Help

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Meet the Safeguarding Team at Swanwick Primary School. All members of the team have recieved DSL training and work together to keep all of the children in school safe. Safeguarding is everyones business so if you need any support or advice, please contact a member of the team. 

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Mr. B Wray

Safeguarding Lead & Headteacher

Mrs. J Jilavu

Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Deputy Headteacher

Mrs. H Stone

Deputy Safeguarding Lead & Pastoral Manager

Mrs. M Walton

Deputy Safeguarding Lead, SENDCo & LAC Teacher

Please call 01773 602268 and ask to be put through to a member of the Safeguarding Team.

To view the schools safeguarding policies, please head to the policies page by clicking on 'Key Information' above. 

Starting Point is Derbyshire County Councils contact and referral service for children. If you have immediate concerns about the welfare of a child then contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.


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If a family wishes to contact school regarding a safeguarding issue during a holiday, they should email headteacher@swanwick.derbyshire.sch.uk. This email will be monitored weekly. This email is for non emergencies only. For emergencies, please consider contacting the following services identified below: 



Emergency- dial 999

Non emergency- dial 101



Emergency- dial 999

Non emergency- dial 101

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At Swanwick Primary School, we are commited to supporting all of our families. The school has an appointed Pastoral Manager, Mrs Stone, who is employed to provide children and parents with pastoral support.


Mrs Stone is able to support with the following: 

  • Issues surrounding attendance
  • Support with TAF (Team around the family) meetings. These are voluntary meetings led by school and involve support families with multi agencies. 
  • Support parents/carers with behaviour at home.
  • Provide pupils in school with 1:1 and group pastoral interventions.
  • Provide tailored support for pupils with Special Educational Needs.
  • Food bank donations
  • Completion of Early Help Assessments
  • Home visits

Mrs Stone works in school three days per week Monday to Wednesday during term time. 

To contact Mrs. Stone, please email helen.stone@swanwick.derbyshire.sch.uk


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Please click on the below links to access support and guidance. 

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Swanwick Primary School

South Street, Swanwick,
Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 1BZ

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