‘TogetherWe Achieve

‘Together We Achieve’


  Mrs. Frogson- Art Subject Leader  

Art at Swanwick Primary School

At Swanwick Primary School, all children are entitled to experiences in Art, Craft and Design which are: inspiring, rich, varied and enjoyable and which challenge them to their full potential. They are reassured and emboldened to feel secure, confident and able to contribute when exploring, evaluating and showcasing their art. We offer learning experiences of the highest standard possible and promote inclusion for all.

The art programme is in line with the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and is designed to provide experiences which cover the full range of individual strengths and abilities through the widest possible range of activities. Children have access to a continuity of teaching and learning which will enable them to use their imagination and be curious about the natural world.

Children are exposed to opportunities that promote confidence in using materials, tools and equipment safely and effectively. We encourage children to be thoughtful about what they are doing and reflect on their work. They are inspired by the work of others and world of the artists, craft workers and designers from other times and cultures.

Ultimately we strive to enable children to become visually literate - that is, to understand and use art to communicate ideas, feelings and meaning.


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Swanwick Primary School

South Street, Swanwick,
Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 1BZ

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